Dear EUPSA Members,

The COVID-19 continues to cause tremendous difficulties. The situation makes it impossible for us to meet in June, in Vienna. We thank all our colleagues for their interest and abstract submission to the 2020 Vienna Meeting.

Refunds of registration fees will be processed after business issues with the Vienna convention center and hotels are resolved. 

Participants who have received abstracts accepted this year are invited to submit full length manuscripts that will be considered for publication in the European Journal of Pediatric Surgery or European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports before 15th of May. Please indicate at submission that your manuscript is destined for the EUPSA issue of the journals. Participants may submit the abstracts of this Congress for presentation elsewhere, since the event of this year is cancelled.

Under these exceptional circumstances we will not be able to organize a physical general assembly meeting. We are planning for digital office meetings and an executive board meeting the 12th of June. After that we will, according to Swiss regulations, send the necessary items of the general assembly and minutes to all members and there will be an opportunity for members to object during a three-week period. This procedure replaces the general assembly meeting.

If your interested and want to apply to become a member of  one of the EUPSA offices, please look at the website for further information.

We all look forward to the Annual Congress that will take place in Athens, June 16th to 19th 2021. Meanwhile we hope we will be able to organize educational activities during autumn 2020.

Please stay safe and healthy!

Tomas Wester, EUPSA President