Advanced Course Videosurgery in Pediatric Urology – Ped Surg F2 – Naples, Italy

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1) OPTION A – ADVANCED: includes participation in theoretical and practical sessions
(max 10 participants)
€ 1125/00 € Before February 20, 2017             € 1350/00 € After February 20, 2017
2) OPTION B – BASIC: includes participation in theoretical sessions and pelvic trainer
(max 12 participants)
€ 250/00 € Before February 20, 2017                € 350/00 € After February 20, 2017

For further information, please contact:
Prof. Ciro Esposito
Pediatric Surgery, “Federico II” University of Naples, Italy
Tel: + 39 081 7463378; Fax: + 39 081 7463361E-mail:

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