Minimally invasive pediatric surgery and urology course

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Organized by:
Dr. Oliver Sanchez (Lausanne)
Dr. Enrico Brönnimann (Geneva)
Pr Amulya Saxena (London)
Pr Barbara Wildhaber (Geneva)

  • Two day hands-on course for pediatric surgeons on cadaveric animal models
  • Full equipment in brand new surgical training center
  • Multimedia-learning with training videos during hands-on practice

Participation fees (including lunches and diner)
Day 1: EUR 300 (basic)
Day 2: EUR 400 (advanced)
Registration is to be sent to with the following information: complete
name, title, hospital, phone.
Please include the title of the course: “Minimally invasive pediatric surgery 15-16 Jun.18”

Pediatric surgery 2018_SAVE THE DATE

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