Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery and Urology Course – Theoretical & hands-on course

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Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery and Urology Course – Theoretical & hands-on course

Geneva, Switzerland, 5-6 April 2019

Invited Faculty

Pr Amulya Saxena – London, UK

Mr Harish Chandran – Birmingham, UK

Mr Pankaj Mishra – London, UK

Pr L. Vutskits – Geneva, Switzerland

Dr Peter Zimmermann – Leipzig, Germany

Dr Oliver Sanchez – Lausanne, Switzerland

Dr Enrico Brönnimann – Geneva, Switzerland

Dr Luca Mazzone – Zurich, Switzerland

Participation fees

Day 1: CHF 400 – BASIC
Day 2: CHF 500 – ADVANCED
Day 1 + Day 2: CHF 88O

Registration is to be sent to:

More info:
SFITS – SWISS Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery – Geneva
CURCP – Centre universitaire romand de chirurgie pédiatrique – Geneva

Click here to download the flyer: Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery_2019


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