STEPS 2020 Teaching Seminar

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Scientific Faculty
Amulya Saxena, MD London, United Kingdom
Carlos Gine, MD Barcelona, Spain
Claus Petersons, MD Hannover, Germany
Craig Lillehei, MD Boston, United States
J Duncan Phillips, MD Raleigh, United States
Jose Andres Molino, MD Barcelona, Spain
Kathryn Bass, MD Buffalo, United States
Manuel Lopez, MD Barcelona, Spain
Robert Carachi, MD Glasgow, United Kingdom
Sundeep Keswani, MD Houston, United States
Todaharu Okazaki, MD Tokyo, Japan
Tutku Soyer, MD Ankara, Turkey
Vitaliya Boyar, MD New York, United States

Abstract submission
Structured abstracts (Aim, Patients, Results, Conclusion) of 200 words with title, full author names (first name and family name) & institution (name, city,country) can be submitted by email to
Abstract submission deadline 15th July 2020
Acceptance notification 30th July 2020

Registration Fee*               Before 31st Aug               From 1st Sep
EUPSA member                       190 €                                       240 €
ISPeW member**                    100 €                                       140 €
Regular participant                 240 €                                       290 €
Annual dinner                          50 €                                         50 €
* Registration fee includes seminar, breaks & lunches (Annual dinner not included)
** Valid for participationin ISPeW and STEPS Sessions on 16th October (1 day only)

For further information and registration please contact


Clicke here to download the STEPS 2020 Barcelona Announcement

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