February 10, 2020
To All EUPSA Members
Invitation to the EUPSA General Assembly
June 12th, 2020, Friday, Vienna.
Dear EUPSA Members,
We would like to invite you on the due date according to our statues, to the General Assembly of our association that will take place on June 12th, 2020 from 12:00 to 13:00 in the Main Hall of Austria Center, Vienna, Austria.
The following issues will be on the agenda:
- New Members of the Offices
There will be vacant positions for members of the Scientific Office, Education Office and Network Office. The EUPSA Executive Board invites eligible members to send their application for vacant positions in the Offices to the Chairmen of the Offices (short CV and list of publications). Decisions will be made during the Meeting of each Office on June 10th, 2020.
- Future Congresses
We are proud to announce that we received several proposals for hosting the EUPSA Annual Meeting, the different bids will be discussed inside the Executive Board Meeting and the decision affirmed by the General Assembly.
You will receive the agenda and another invitation not later than 4 weeks before the General Assembly.
We hope to see you at the General Assembly in Vienna.
Tomas Wester Gonca Topuzlu Tekant
EUPSA President EUPSA Honorary Secretary