Kahramanmaraş Earthquake

Members of the EUPSA offer their heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims of the unimaginable earthquake that has affected eastern Turkey and Syria. The destruction is immense and the rescue efforts are overwhelmed by the scale of the disaster.

We would like to commend the immediate humanitarian support that has been provided by the local populations along with immediate overseas efforts in attempts to save the life of every affected person.

We are in touch with our colleagues in the region and have great admiration for the services their teams have been providing to the injured that are being transported to their medical Centers. Our appreciativeness also goes to the medical and rescue teams that have left for the earthquake affected region to provide local ground support.

We stand in support of our colleagues during this difficult period and will inform our members in the forthcoming time if any request for specific assistance is received.

Amulya K. Saxena

February 2023