Offices are institutions of the EUPSA and should collaborate with each other for special purposes
to fulfil the aims of the Association.
Education Office
Aim of the Education Office is to support and promote the organization of the postgraduate education, lectures, scholarships, exchange of colleagues between institutions and countries, EUPSA-surgical workshops, etc. Chairman Prof. Amulya Saxena Consultant Paediatric Surgeon Imperial College London Chelsea Children’s Hospital Chelsea and Westminster Healthcare NHS Fdn Trust 369 Fulham Road London SW10 9NH UK Tel: +44 (0)20-3315-8885 (Secretary: Ms Lorraine Eastmond) Fax: +44 (0)20-3315-8644 E-mail:
Scientific Office
Aim of the Scientific Office is to maintain the Association’s scientific production at the highest level.
Network Office
Primary objective of the Network Office is to develope a data co-ordinating centre, in order to implement, support and promote the development of networks in the field of Paediatric Surgery, to provide data management and bio statistical support and consultation in the areas of design, execution, and analysis for clinical and basic science studies.